Seven Easy Ways to Boost Your Cover Letter

Keep your cover letter under one page unless requested for more

  • Your cover letter should be no longer than one page. It is usually divided into three or four paragraphs. Your first paragraph should always explain why you are writing and how you heard about the opportunity. 

Be sure to check the word limit requirement. 

  • Sometimes hiring managers will give specific instructions. Always check for these instructions to make an excellent first impression. 

  • Unless otherwise instructed, the average word count for a cover letter is between 250-400 words using 12-point font. 

Keep the same format used for your Resume/CV.

To have a well-polished and professional-looking application, choose the same format for your Resume and cover letter. The essentials within the documents do not have to be undistinguishable but similar enough to create a steady flow between them.  

Elements to keep constant: 

  • Color

  • Font 

  • Font Size

Use formal and professional language.

  • Your cover letter should always be formal. We recommend you use a language that people can understand easily. Avoid the excessive use of industry jargon, and make sure to explain any technical terms used in simple, everyday language. 

Personalize each cover letter to the position you are applying to

  • Customizing each letter can take a lot of your time, yet It is very important because it can put you ahead of other applicants. A Customized Letter shows the company how perfect a fit you are for them. When writing your cover letter, find out as much as possible about the company. If you know someone at the company, be sure to name-drop them in your cover letter. However, ask them if you can reference them in your cover letter before doing so.

Address your cover letter to a specific person whenever possible 

  • If possible, address your cover letter to the individual responsible for hiring. 

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread 

  • Use Spell-check

    • Spell-check is excellent for spotting typos but do not overly rely on it as it can miss a lot of common errors. 

  • Print out your cover letter

    • A printed version will help you see it with fresh eyes. We recommend you print your cover letter in a different font type. Doing this will make it easier for you to see typos. Lastly, use a highlighter to mark any changes you want to make. 

  • Read it out loud

    • Read your cover letter out loud. This will help you slow down and find any typos or awkward phrases. You can also follow along with your finger. This will help you focus on each word.


  • Ask for help

    • Have a friend or peer review your cover letter. Since they are not familiar with your document, this will make them more likely to find errors you are most likely to overlook.

  • Use a professional resume-review service.

    • You do not have to do it all alone. Many resume-writing services, like The African Connection inc., offer free cover letter reviews. 

How to stand out from the other applicants 

  • Mention who you know

  • Mention how you learned about the job

  • Showcase your qualifications 

  • Include both your hard and soft skills


Cover Letter Tips